City of Chico General Plan

The City of Chico’s General Plan 2030 has Water-related Goal, Policies & Actions:

  • Goal SUS-3: Leading the way to a sustainable Chico by reducing the environmental impacts of City operations
  • Policy SUS-3.2: Reduce energy and water use in municipal operations
  • GOAL SUS-4: Promote green development Policy
  • SUS-4.2: Promote drought-tolerant landscaping
  • Action SUS-4.2.1: Install drought-tolerant landscaping and water conserving irrigation systems at city facilities, medians, and parkway strips to reduce water use and maintenance costs.

CalWater, Urban Water Management Plans and Conservation Reports

California Water Service, or CalWater, is the water supplier for the City of Chico. The State of California mandates that urban water suppliers to prepare an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). These plans ensure that adequate water supplies are available to meet existing and future water needs. In addition, SB x 77 mandates that the UWMP plans include reducing per capita urban water use of 20% by 2020, with the establishment of water conservation 2015 and 2020. The calculated 2015 and 2020 targets for Cal Water’s Chico District are 257 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) and 229 gpcd, respectively. Chico met that interim target in 2015, shown here. CalWater prepared the UWMP for the Chico service area in 2015.

In 2019, Chico saved 9 million gallons through CalWater’s conservation programs, and here is the 2019 water conservation target.
