City of Chico General Plan
The City of Chico’s General Plan 2030 has Sustainability Element energy-related Goal, Policies & Actions:
- Goal SUS-5: Increase energy efficiency and reduce non-renewable energy resource consumption citywide
- Policy SUS-5.1: Promote energy efficiency retrofit improvements in existing buildings
- Action SUS-5.1.1: Explore implementation of a City-sponsored clean energy program to provide low-interest loans to property owners for the installation of energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy devices.
- Action SUS-5.1.2: Consult with PG&E to promote public education about energy efficiency and conservation methods, and encourage them to provide more energy from renewable sources.
- Action SUS-5.1.3: Monitor compliance with City requirements for energy conservation upgrades upon resale of homes and improve public awareness of the requirements.
- Policy SUS-5.2: Support the inclusion of energy efficient design and renewable energy technologies in public and private projects
- Action SUS-5.2.1: Utilize City incentives identified in Action LU-2.3.1 to encourage the integration of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy devices, in addition to those required by the state, during early project review.
- Action SUS05.2.2: Provide builders and homeowners with resources and information about energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies at the Municipal Hall Planning and Building counters and on the City’s website.
- Action SUS-5.2.3: Incorporate passive solar design principles (e.g., building materials, high-albedo roofs, eaves, window placement, landscaping, and building orientation) into the Design Guidelines Manual.
- Action SUS-5.2.4: Revise the Municipal Code to allow deviations from normal development standards such as height limits, setbacks, or screening when doing so is necessary to allow the efficient use of renewable energy devices.