For the purposes of this General Plan, social equity means fair access to housing, transportation, jobs, education, and recreation, and access for all residents to fully participate in the political and cultural life of the community. Social equity is closely connected to the other two sustainability components of economic vitality and environmental protection. It both depends on and supports a local, diverse economy that provides a wide range of work and volunteer opportunities for people of all ages and skills and a healthy environment with clean air and water, open spaces to recreate, and protection from potential hazards. Strategies in this General Plan that promote social equity include ensuring adequate housing for all age and income levels; providing an open government that values public participation; celebrating arts and cultures; assisting the more vulnerable members of the community; supporting the development and preservation of complete neighborhoods, promoting public health through protection from hazards and the provision of a safe multimodal circulation system; and providing parks and quality public services to all members of the community.
Below are some suggestions on making your business more sustainable.
Important Changes
Develop a company diversity policy and promote cultural awareness through workshops, trainings, and mixers.
Promote or participate in philanthropic opportunities.
Incorporate Extended Product Responsibility (EPR) into your company's purchasing practice and policy.
Provide education on sustainability via bulletin boards for both customers and employees.
Provide a way in which employees may provide constructive feedback on your business practices.
Facilities Changes
Provide on-site day care facility/services.
Provide an on-site café.
Provide healthy choices in vending machines.
Create an on-site employee garden.
Provide lactation stations.
Provide an on-site health clinic.
Practice Changes
Eliminate purchases from companies that utilize sweatshop or slave labor.
Provide benefits packages for employees.
Purchase and promote local (within 250 miles from Chico) products and services.
Become a Fair Trade Certified business or organization.
Hold workshops on sustainability related issues.
Explain the importance of sustainability during your new hire orientation.
Provide professional training in regards to sustainability related issues.
Provide tuition assistance for employees interested in classes on sustainability related issues.
Health and Wellness
Provide a program which challenges and incentivizes employees to improve their health and wellness.
Provide either a lunch and learn series on health and wellness or other online learning services.
Provide free health screenings for employees.
Provide counseling and/or programs for employees in the following topics: nutrition, weight management, stress reduction, physical activity, tobacco cessation, substance abuse, massage therapy, ergonomics training, and/or support blood drives.
Provide flexible work schedules for employees.
Promote volunteer programs to both customers and employees.
Provide sponsorships for people and/or organizations that promote sustainability related causes.